What are Wysebridge’s guarantees?

Unlimited Access

Access to Wysebridge PRO and all the materials, resources, and support with Wysebridge PRO is guaranteed for 12 months.  If you need more time to study until you pass the patent bar, simply ask. There are no time constraints. This guarantee is subject to the Access Criteria.

Unlimited Access Guarantee Criteria

Access is granted for 12 months, and if needed, till you pass.

In order to maintain the integrity of our platform, every 12 months we ask that you provide proof of either:

– Your attempt to take the exam and non pass; or– A major life event which precluded you from taking the exam; or– Another justifiable reason for not taking the exam during that 12 month time frame (up to the sole discretion of Wysebridge to determine if the event/reason qualifies to allow continued access to the platform).

Full Refund

We guarantee 100% of your money back if you contact us within 30 days of your initial enrollment.  No Questions asked.

Refund if OED Rejects Application

With Wysebridge PRO, we guarantee 100% of your money back if you enroll in Wysebridge and the USPTO OED determines that you do not qualify to sit for the patent bar exam. This guarantee is subject to the Refund Guarantee Criteria.

Refund Guarantee Criteria

If you go enroll in our course and at any point before taking the exam it is determined you are ineligible to take the exam by the Office of Enrollment and Discipline, Wysebridge Patent Bar Review LLC agrees to refund 100% of your course fee.

You may choose to exercise your right to a refund by sending an official copy of your rejection by the OED within 30 days of the date of mailing to Wysebridge Patent Bar Review LLC.

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